Friday 22 November 2013


Danielle is back and today she is giving you all some advice on what you should think about when renovating! So here it is:

What to think about when starting a home renovation:

When embarking on a home renovation, there are so many things to consider. Obviously money will be your biggest consideration, but there are so many style and design features that you need to decide on, how will they fit into your budget? What can/can’t you compromise on? How will you do it, contractors or DIY?
With so many factors involved, it can be one the most daunting tasks that you could ever do, especially if you decide to DIY as many people do. DIY projects are cost effective and sometimes one of the more efficient ways of getting the job done, but it can also be extremely stressful and expensive if not managed right.

Effective planning in the beginning stages is key to doing it well, so you should decide early on exactly what your budget is and what you want to achieve; what style you are going for, how extensive of a renovation it is going to be and how many areas of the house are you going to focus on at once. It’s tricky and time consuming, and if doing it with a partner, it could also mean there are going to be a few compromises.

Make sure to ask questions when you head to your local hardware store like Sunlite Mitre 10, as they can often offer the best advice on tools and materials for the job. 

Remember that the bathroom, laundry and kitchen are three of the most expensive rooms to renovate in the house so you will need to carefully time and budget that one, other rooms have limited expenses depending on the size of the renovation.

I am including some extra photos of before and after the renovation I just worked on! They are unedited! 

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