Friday, 13 March 2015


Good linen is always a must as your bed
is very important to your health. Having good sheets and sets are
a great way not to only feel great and get a good night sleep but also 
to jazz up your space, give it some style and personality... so sleeping is fun! 

This weeks find is the awesome Australian online store called Sleep Bum! 
I have had the pleasure of trying out their beautiful linen 
for myself and have to say I am very happy I got the
opportunity to!

This is the set that I have and the reason why I picked it is because it
not only adds colour but pattern at the same time, giving me the
opportunity to add style in a very simplistic way.

Make sure to check this great resource by visiting 

Saturday, 28 February 2015


Friday Fav's this week is a real special one as it is celebrating
a friends business, Seventh Lane. 

Today I am sharing with you my favourite items from their newly
launched website! 

I love the playful yet relaxed nature of the range as well as the geometric
prints! We all know how I feel about funky geometric prints! 

They are on my wish list that is for sure! 

Monday, 23 February 2015


I keep seeing them everywhere! Do you? And I have to say I have a bit of a love hate relationship with it. I find that it is more appropriate for creating a really lovely winter look but more so over the last year it has become the 'it' thing to have in styling your room. I have decided mid sentence while writing this blogpost that I would much prefer to focus on the positive aspects of the trending "sheep skin," so here goes! 

They are versatile and can be added to any room or colour palette especially if you are looking to create a real bohemian look. The contrast in materials against leather or plastic occasional or dining chairs is a winning combination. They allow for something that is not so comfortable, warm and inviting. 

It also allows you to create that picture perfect style and I feel they especially look inviting as a rug layered on the floor or in a nursery. 

What do you think about the trending sheep skin? Would you love one in your home? 

Photos are sourced from Pinterest. 

Friday, 20 February 2015


I have two contrasting favourites this week, but together I am sure they could make a sophisticated 
looking interior landscape. 
I love everything about Tom Dixon and his designs but I am in love with
these almost architectural vases... which are just that
pieces of mini architecture to create a unique style and look
 for your home.  They are called "Tank."

My other favourite thing is actually a colour, which is inspired by
Darren Palmers room make over on last weeks 
Thursday evening session of the Block. 
It was a great show full of great inspiration and tips. 

Pastels are in at the moment and they shouldn't be looked upon as 
un sophisticated and child like because used in the right 
context and in a mature way it can be the perfect way
to add soft colour and personality to a dull space. 

Blues are also very calming and can really assist
to create a really sophisticated yet fun look. 
Plus a little metallic never hurt anyone. 

Colour: Dulux
Tank Vases: Tom Dixon

Thursday, 19 February 2015


This week I had a more conscious thought about how objects really change the way spaces are used. Recently we acquired a brand new modular sofa which obviously has changed the entire orientation of our living room, but more importantly how we as a family and or guests interact and experience the space.

Funny story actually, I was forced out of my bedroom one work night last week. I was not happy about it at all, it was on that really muggy night after a massive down pour. We do not normally get spiders in our home and on this unusually late night, I was up and chatting to my best friend in London. I am so grateful I made the decision to speak with her for an extended period of time because if I didn't, I would not have ever been aware of what was crawling behind me on the wall.

I was far from impressed and it was very late. I had no one to save me but a can of inset spray and I had no idea where the furry ugly, dangerous ( yes it was ) spider disappeared too after I drowned it in half a can of spray. There was absolutely no way I could sleep in the bedroom so I had to set up camp on the new modular sofa. Comfortable and interesting as I lie there, I really got to thinking how I have never experienced this actual side of our living room, as it has never been orientated this way before. It has changed my behaviour in the living room completely. I hardly ever venture to the other side of the room. I kind of feel bad for it!

My point in revealing this really lame story to you is that it is really important to understand how we need and must use spaces. Objects, furniture, different shapes and sizing allows you to experience your walls in a very different way if you decide to challenge them. Now I have all this new found space on the left side of the room, there are endless things that I can think of and do to allow for a much more flowing and beautiful use of the space. It has changed the way we interact as a family and the needs of other pieces of furniture in the room. It creates a sense of more space, more depth without needing any more other seating area.

It is a truly fascinating discovery and why I love Interior Designing, because it allows me to explore this deeper level of understanding in human behaviour, psychology and manipulation of human behaviour. ( Not in a bad way I promise. )

Have you just recently found a new piece of furniture that has changed the way you appreciate and experience your space? Share with me your story by contacting me! I'd love to hear from you.

By the way if you are wondering, the spider is no longer. He was found and now the room is spider free and whole lot more spacious.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


Pink is not my favourite colour at all and I always think of it in terms of being really girly and not really one that you want to find in your interior, other than a little girls room. However, it is making a really large appearance on the colour front at the moment and is being seen increasingly in homewares throughout summer. Especially as it is great colour to contrast with botanical greens.

It allows for a really soft and feminine feel to a colour palette, especially contrasted with a grey neutral palette. It works well against light timber and metal finishes that allow for a really subtle sophisticated look.
Another colour that is directly related to pink but heading more into the orange zone is coral. It is softer than a bright orange but also a little bolder than a soft pink. Ideally coral works well for accents around the home where as I feel the soft pink allows for one to explore colour in a really bold yet safe way. A contradiction I know!

It also works well with a great scandinavian look for a home and I think we will be seeing a lot more of it in the coming months as summer comes to an end.

Monday, 16 February 2015


I did not get a chance to share last weeks Friday Fav on the blog but only on our Facebook page. Did you see? 

I want to share with you a little behind the scenes of the setting that is coming together in one of my clients home. I have been looking and looking for the best occasional chair for probably over 6 months. Truth be told, I actually had the perfect one in mind but one of the constant challenges I face especially when designing with a couple is having both their tastes and expectations met. We had the perfect occasional chair but alas it was not ticking one half of the parties boxes so no matter how I pushed it just was not going to happen. So what does one do? I get stubborn and begin a new search for what is going to be the perfect occasional chair. I will find it! I never give up! Winner never quit and quitters never win, I say! 

So where did I find it? In the Kmart new season catalogue! Hilarious but the more hilarious thing is that my client saw it too and we have the exact same thought. Such a special thing having great clients to work with who understand your thought process and design aesthetic. I search and searched and finally found it with a bit of social media assistance, we locked it in and then completed the look with the last copper pipe floor lamp from Freedom Furniture and a colourful cushion. 

Here is a behind the scenes look! Full reveal will come in the middle of year when I do a proper photo shoot to capture the beauty of the space. 

Featured items: Armchair: Zanui 
Floor lamp: Freedom
Cushion: Urban Road
Knitted Ottoman: Kmart
Styling: JDZ

Friday, 6 February 2015


Are you loving the new Block Triple Threat? I am and I have to say I am already a lot more emotionally and creatively invested and into it then the Glasshouse version. I am really liking all the teams especially my favourites, Char + Josho. I am going to play favourites this year as they are the ones to watch, not only because of their design choices and fab styling but their genuine personalities and relaxed attitude is going to get them far in the competition. That is not to say that I don't love the other couples because I do! I believe they all bring a great level of contrast in personality and styles, which is going to make for a very entertaining and interesting Block.

Ps: So excited Bec + George are back! Another Blocktastic couple, so looking forward to the Triple Threat and how much is Aidan exactly like the comedian Zach Gilan( insert long Greek last name here)

Image sourced from The Block Website. 


I have currently been on the hunt for some great armchairs for
a client and cannot seem to look past his amazing
modern but inviting VAN armchair from
Even the colour, it is just amazing and called 
Safari green, which makes it this weeks
Friday Fav. 

*image sourced from the Jardan Website.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


This is me celebrating a soul sista!

Today I am getting a little personal on the blog. The last couple of years, well since about 2012 I have had my fair share of emotional ups and downs, riding a huge nervous anxious roller coaster, and truth be told, I really hate roller coasters. To cut a long story short, I suffer from anxiety, which has caused a whole lot of other health issues to go with it. Who would have thought? I am not going to sugar coat it, it is pretty tough, I look normal, I have a great life, awesome developing business, awesome family and friends, great boyfriend, all which I am grateful for, but probably about 95% of the time I am suffering internally. There have been times where daily simple tasks have become difficult and I have spent a whole lot of my time hiding from it, running, pretending it does not exist and dealing with it very privately. It is something that I have felt extremely ashamed of and embarrassed because I feel so out of control in my own body, I feel like I am not myself and the anxiety forces me to play small and stay introverted. I am more of an introverted person by nature and like my own space but I am in no means a person who does not like to socialise... so you can image the impact it has had on my life, not to mention those closest to me. This is why I no longer want to hide from my story and from my journey, I have found the more I try and so desperately attempt to make myself feel "normal" or not anxious it has just got so much worse. One of my coping strategies is to push through it, but I have been finding lately that this too is not working, especially seeming as I have developed some serve digestive issues for someone in their late twenties. To always feel sick, in pain and exhausted is no way to live life or even work. It is a vicious circle!  ( Hence my journey and new found love for health and wellness)

I do not like the stigma that is attached to anxiety and mental illness. Those who suffer are in no way, weak, no way crazy and in no way alone. It can often feel this way which is why I am sharing this post today and sharing the message my lovely friend Meegs has to share. She is on a mission to help you show your inner diamond and oh boy, does she have the tools and the lessons to share with you. I first found Meegs through another great friend who shared her blog post with me, and we bonded. I was one of Meegs participants in her coaching program while she was completing her studies with INN so she could gain some practical experience. I made the great example because I am on my anxiety free journey and as she is.

Having someone like Meegs supporting you and understanding what you are going through is so important. The support and the " I know you will come out on the other side of this" is a tool in itself to help you shine your diamond.

If you are looking for support and require a coach then Meegs has the packages for you and the tools to help you through your struggles, even if they aren't even anxiety focused. It just encourages you to gain confidence in who you are and your abilities. I have no doubt that if you are looking for someone to assist you through your journey and be that cheerleader for you Meegs is the person. So get in contact with her today!

Check out her page and packages here. 

If you are suffering just like we have please reach out and make sure to not be afraid to get help. Self awareness and helping yourself is the first step and NOTHING to be ashamed of.

Everyone is also different so remember to have compassion and kindness for one another! They all have their own story that you know nothing about!

Ps: Her blog is rocking! Check out the post that got me hooked! 

J x

Friday, 23 January 2015

Thursday, 22 January 2015


Have you ever heard someone say, your space is a direct reflection of your mind? When your mind is cluttered with so much stuff, things to remember, scattered, things tend to be everywhere? Have you noticed? If you have not noticed, then I invite you to take a moment and really observe be present a look around yourself.

Is there a lot of stuff everywhere? Can you never keep anything neat? 

I thought so, we all do it and it is my mission to help you become really mindful of your space, both inside and out. They correlate believe it or not and it is a mirror of your internal mind. It happens to me all the time, things start off really clean and tidy and then... BOOM, the tidal wave that is my mind trying to keep up with everything happening is lost in a state of samples, paperwork, computer gadgets I hate, mail, bills, things to remember to pay, pens, paints, and butter paper.

I do have specific goals this year but mostly I have specific words that I want to work towards being. One of them is flowing and I mean it in every sense of the word as I tend to be a little of a control freak from time to time, it pops up and makes my life and work a lot harder. So with letting go of the sense of perfection I introduce the idea of flow into my life, I want a good flow especially when it comes to my work space and mind. 

The thing is, how do we get there when everything seems to be taking over and you almost feel like you're drowning below it all?

+ Firstly, begin to mindful, take a step back and observe it all for what it is. Whatever room it may be, even if it is your mind. Just stop. 

+ Make categories for your mess. 

" THINGS TO KEEP" " IMPORTANT" " BILLS" and begin sorting. If you have not looked at that article you were ment to read since last December, bin it, it's gone. Be ruthless, you will not believe how liberating it will be.

+ When trying to get rid of things, think about and ask yourself these questions: 

 "DOES THIS HAVE PURPOSE?" " "DOES THIS SERVE ME OR HELP ME?"  " WILL I NEED IT IN A YEAR? " You will know the answer and then just BIN IT! But remember always be sustainable, so make sure all paper and recyclables go straight into the recycling.

+ Have task areas in your work area. This tip applies only to your study and work area, however we can think about it in terms of other spaces too. Areas of your home are dedicated to specific tasks and functions so really try not to mix the zones. It makes the mind and activity a lot more clearer and defined.

+ Do this at least every two months to stay on top of things. You can do it! 

Image sourced from Pinterest. 

Wednesday, 21 January 2015


Over the past couple of years as my circle of friends has expanded and we have grown older, we are all reaching that next stage of our lives where we are preparing to fly the coop. It is a little unbelievable that this year alone we will be attending six weddings, whom are all very good friends or close relatives young in age. It is pretty amazing how time brings forth all these different stages. These stages have brought up a lot of questions about what I think is best to look for when wanting to buy all your new furniture for the new pad. It has been dominating phone conversations that is for sure!

I was recently having a discussion with a close girlfriend who is preparing to move out very soon with her soon to be husband and was looking for great quality, comfortable linen. So, I thought why not do a post on the blog about what I look for and what I think are the best elements to create a really comfortable bed. Your bed is super important as you pretty much spend almost half your life sleeping which it allows your body to restore itself so having the right support and comfort is essential. To me it is not something that you skimp on... by the way, I need to take my own advice because my mattress is completely outdated and not supportive anymore! It's on the "To Do List" trust me.

Good quality linen, duvet covers, throws and pillowcases can be hard to come by, which is why I wanted to share with you a great bedding resource, Parachute. They have a great range available at affordable prices. Currently, personally and a lot of my friends are after things that have a really natural look to them, so there does not have to be too much fuss about the sheets, they always look clean, they are simple, feel good and neutral.

Here are some of my favourite tricks when making your bed look pretty amazing and just overall effortless.

+ Think about it as a composition - Layer the bed with different colour linen. For example you may have a white flat sheet and loose sheet but then two different combination of colours for the pillowcases and a different colour for the duvet cover.

+ Add character to a bed by adding at most 3 cushions. Yes, see how I did not say 10 cushions? It is very unnecessary to have excessive amounts of small cushions, 3 is enough and it allows you to have two different colour combinations.

+ Have different sized pillows, 2 x large square size and 2 x normal sleeping size.

+ Add texture to the bed by complimenting it with a casual throw to make it feel that extra comfortable and inviting. Your bed is also a great place for journaling, reading, meditating so having a great throw to lie on top of with your normal clothes is a great idea. 

All products shown in the images below can be found at Parachutes to create your ultimate sleeping haven.

Make sure to visit their website by clicking here

Images sourced from Parachutes. 

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Exciting way to start the blogging week off with our expert opinions being shared on The Paint Place blog. Along with other industry professional and the lovely Chris from The Life Creative, we give our scoop on what our favourite colour picks are for the season and how to work them in with other colour palettes.

My pick were bright colours like corals, yellows and my favourite at the moment teal.

You can check out the post by clicking here. 

Monday, 19 January 2015


This week is focusing on the new year and it cannot be a new creative year without the announcement of the Pantone Colour Of The Year. There has been a lot of speculation around this colour, which I feel pretty much happens every year, as the colours have not been as conventional or easy on the "palette" per say than most other years. I have to say though, I very much love the colour prediction for this year, Marsala. When I think of Marsala or I hear the word I instantly think of my dad cooking and making his famous marsala stake sauce, the sweet and musty smell of a really dark red almost brown glistening au ju ( french for sauce made with it's own juices ) ... I am getting hungry just talking about this. I also love the colour red, it is my favourite colour... I know, slightly shocking, it is a horrible colour for anything in an interior, except for accents and it has to be treated very carefully. Which is why I think I really love this year's prediction, it is such a deep rich colour that I think will be great for winter 2015. You read it hear first! My prediction for winter 2015 will be very earthy and a testament to Marsala.

What do you think about Marsala? Do you like? Do you not? Why? Share with me all your thoughts!!

Look out for the next post on Marsala where I will be highlighting my favourite stylish items in the colour.

Images sourced from Pinterest. Follow me here! 

Lots of love,


Wednesday, 14 January 2015


2015 has not exactly started with the bang I would have hoped for, but I guess that is what life is all about, ups, downs and all the little in betweens. It has reminded me with a very hard hitting smack in the face that you lose your health very very quickly and that it should always be your number one priority. I did not actually know how badly I needed some rest until I was hit with the sick stick and right on new years day of all times. It is so funny, well, not in your 'hahaha' rolling on the floor kind of way, but more the "told you so" kinda way that of course when I get a sick and I mean any type of your typical sickness, common cold, you name it, I don't just get it and it goes away in two days, I REALLY get it and it wipes me out. It takes me forever to get back to myself, an even bigger incentive to continually strive to be at the top of my game. I knew I was letting the ball drop as the end of 2014 rolled around. It was crazy busy and even though it was my healthiest year yet, I was reminded the importance of slowing down and taking time out.

 It just goes to show that even though we are all made up the same way, each and every body is actually really different, reacts to things differently and feels pain in an entire different manner. It is very subjective at times just like anything creative, how you like your home and interior. The way one person may feel it, interact with it or like it is completely different to your neighbour, sister, brother or lover. This is why compassion and understanding are qualities that are very important to me and why I strive to show these qualities when I enter into someone's scarred space, especially when it is their home. It is a little different in commercial environments but I believe having that kind of sensibility in your work, knowing how to listen and relate to people on a compassionate level and translating it, is what makes you a great designer. It is in no way an easy task... trust me on that one.

So what can you expect form us in 2015? 

A whole heap of compassion, sensibility with a side of fun and innovative interiors, residential and commercial. Also, a whole heap of free resources for my readers to learn how to unlock the love for their spaces and lots and lots of more attention and focus back on this amazing blog. Then there is a whole heap of stuff I have no idea about... honestly, I have no idea what could be happening tomorrow, which is half the fun. That is something that really excites me at the start of every new year, you have no idea what is lying ahead of you, so I very much hope 2015 is full of GOOD surprises and great clients just like 2014.

We're back in full swing and ready for all the amazing projects that are waiting for us!

Ps: is 2015 the year of our online store? Let's hope so!! Stay tuned!

Saturday, 3 January 2015


Sponsored Post

The other great thing about having some time over this break and this time of year is discovering lots of great new resources that I cannot wait to use this year. I am always on the look out for great sites that have unique products available, so when I become aware of them, I love to share. 

Minted is a great website and not just because of the products available but because it supports independent designers and artists located in 43 different countries throughout the world. This gives us creative types the real opportunity to showcase our talents and discover some really unique and innovative products/designs that you would not find elsewhere. 

The site has several different parts dedicated to different designs and products. It is a fabulous resource for those planning a wedding, looking for a unique gift and wanting some cool fabric to do some DIY in the home, which is why today I want to share with you my Minted Wishlist! 

Currently on trend this summer and holiday season is lots of soft water colour tones/textures and foil artworks and we all know how much I love a geometric print!

Oh and did I mention you can personalise may different products too? Personalisation, monograming is another great trend that is becoming increasingly popular, especially when it comes to gifts, parties and weddings. 

Check out my Wishlist below with all the links provided. 

I absolutely love geometrics and watercolour, so this is an absolute favourite.
Find it on the Minted website by clicking here.

Another great watercolour piece with a great colour combination.
Find it on the Minted website by clicking here.

I absolutely LOVE this, so unique and great little pattern!
Find it on the Minted website here.

I love bunting and love marble so I think this is a great design and by personalising it, it is perfect
for a wedding or any special occasion. Id personally love it for my office!
Find it on the Minted website here. 

Different variations of the marble bunting!
Find it on the Minted website here.

Absolutely love this cool simple material that would add some real style to
any neutral existing palette. Find it on the Minted website here. 

All images are sourced from the Minted website so make sure to
check it out! 


I have had a pretty crappy way to start the new year. 
Sick in bed for three days recovering from some sort of sickness that struck me down.
It is so unfortunate however, there are a lot more other people suffering with much
worse conditions and circumstances daily. The one positive thing... if I was to find one specific one, is that I have had time to reflect, really reflect on the year that was 2014 and how I want 2015 to be.
I guess as well, it can really only get better from here! Here's hoping anyway!
2014 was a pretty good year, full of leaping outside of the comfort zone and completing some rather large projects. The last six months itself have been amazing for the business development, lessons and of course our holiday! 
That was by far, the absolute highlight of the year!

I was asked a couple of times, " why are you going overseas now?" 
"what are you going to do with the business, your clients?" " aren't you afraid of what
will happen with work? " I found these questions very interesting as I was so happy with the decision and it could not have come at a better time personally for me. Would you believe it actually made me a lot busier and by conscience more in demand! 
Hilarious really!

Without further ado here all the BTS pics of the highlights!

Lets all hope 2015 picks up from here on in. 

For me the first of Jan starts tomorrow!

The day we found the pendant light had split glass... worst... ever!

Putting together material palettes 

Moonlight Cinemas - Grease! One of my favourite movies! 

Featured in the "Collective Mag" - Another massive highlight of 2014

Meeting Darren Palmer 

Turning this ex Com bank building into a showroom. Massive Challenge!

Sparkk Cushions ready for the farmhouse. 

Then I chopped all my hair off and my bestie came to visit from the UK 

What construction sites look like early in the morning with horrible lighting!

The styling and transformation!

Transformation in process. 

Help re painting an existing light fitting 

Kitchen install almost complete.

Another awesome highlight! Having a fun day with a great client of mine. 

Holidays in Santorini 

Holidays in Santorini part 2... the day we climbed a volcano and have never been so dehydrated in my life!

Thats me! 

Awesome dining set install in one of our recent jobs! 

Laughing lots with Shelley! 

Albury complete! 

Dining room reveal! 

Entry way reveal! How great is the "Lizard Lounge" 

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