Thursday, 18 December 2014


I tend to add things consistently throughout the year to my Christmas wish list as well as my own gift ideas for my family and friends, as it is a time that allows me to give back as well as create a meaningful list that will allow me to steer my gift givers in the right direction. 

Today I am sharing what is exactly on my Christmas wish list and consider it a gift guide with all these fabulous websites having so much to offer. All the details are below! 

5. Add some colour and style to my desk - Shop in store at Coco Republic 
6. A unique ornament for the Christmas Tree - Shop in store at Coco Republic
8. A constant reminder from my favourite mag

Seasons Greetings and happy shopping!
Make sure to click on the items to be directed to the websites.
All images were found directly on the linked site. 

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


I have been so very quiet and not attentive to the blog in a long time. Working on the new website and all the new projects rolling in has really taken up a lot of time, but do not fear in 2015 I will be back consistently and this blog will be getting a make over again to suit the new look website.

If you have not checked out the new site yet, make sure you do by clicking here... it has only recently been finished and completed! Have to say I am very proud of it and the direction in which the business is going!

Thank you to all my lovely clients, readers, supporters, cheerleaders and friends who have been so supportive of my work and my business from the get go. This is our second year celebrating a business christmas and I have to say I love it. During our last stay in Albury over the weekend, finishing off one of our longest standing projects, we celebrated the end of the year with a 4 hour canoe ride down the Murry River. It was so peaceful and a great experience... even if we were singing Taylor Swift.

Wishing you all a very safe, peaceful and joyful Christmas and New Year!! 

Look forward to a very creative 
New Year and 2015!


We're on holidays from Friday the 19th of December till 12th of January 2015

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Today's post is an extension of last weeks popular blog on "How To Think Like An Interior Designer." I am going to be blogging about each individual tip I mentioned for the next couple of weeks to bring to you an extended understanding and inspiration on how to manage your renovation and spatial planning more effectively.

The first point I made, which is something that I consistently think about, but mainly when looking at a blank canvas is... symmetry. So, if you are right in the middle of sitting down with an architect or designer to sort out the bones of the new space you are renovating, make sure to think about it's composition. Now not all compositions are symmetrical, but what I mean when it comes to symmetry is attempting to achieve a sense of "even-ness" ( yes I just made up a word ) within certain elements in that space.  Think about windows, heights of windows, lines matching up with other lines, walls matching up or in line with other walls, entry spaces opening up into symmetrically placed windows or positioned centrally looking onto a whole set of bifold doors. Think about how the lines will impact the space visually when it is complete... which by the way is NOT an easy task to achieve, but if you flex that imagination like a muscle it begins to grow and grow. These are all very important things and details that often get missed, which can often take your space from "oh it's lovely" to "wow." Spatial planning is all about experience as well as functionality so having these points in the back of your mind will assist in creating a very unique but functional experience for those who occupy the space.

The thing is, space is all about YOU, which is a core belief of my business by the way, YOU have to love your space, YOU have to understand your space and YOU have to live in your space, so symmetry and things being consistant in a home is very important wether you realise it or not. People love things being symmetrical, it is aesthetically pleasing and it allows you to feel comfortable. It is almost like a little obsessive compulsive disorder in having everything in its rightful place and positioned correctly. This is why for me and someone who is quite compulsive about the details, symmetry in spatial planning is essential, even if it is just as simple as having the windows symmetrically next to each other in a wall or even in lighting or a simple pattern.

That does not have to say that things cannot be a little uneven. Compositions come into play a lot more when it comes down to styling, which is a whole other blogpost for another day.

Hope you are inspired to be a little more even and symmetrical in your day today. Images in todays post are sourced from my Pinterest so make sure to follow me.

Thursday, 2 October 2014


I cannot help but examine whenever I walk into a space, it can be any space, a new hotel, restaurant I am eating at, home etc. I love taking in all of the different elements and I always ALWAYS look up, which by the way not many people do… really there is a ceiling? Lots can be
achieved when it comes to a ceiling. I love touching walls and often feel like a bit of an odd ball when I secretly try and feel the wall to see what kind of finish it is, especially if it is a wallpaper, 
material, metal or timber… I cannot help it, it is built in.

When it comes to renovating and designing a home, these are kind of details that we as interior designer think about when planning. We also very much consider how the space is going to be used and experienced. It is a pretty difficult skill but if you can get it right and nurture it, you can 
become a real pro at understanding how to best use a space and how to make the most of what 
you have.

Here are my top five favourite things to look and how to think like an Interior Designer when you are knee deep in your next renovation.

1. Symmetry 

2. Zoning 

3. Light 

4. Scale 

5. Little Details 

Friday, 26 September 2014


Since getting back from my recent trip, which completely inspired me in all aspects of my work ( Yes you are thinking correctly, there are big changes coming AGAIN to JDZ Designs, including a whole lot more of me... i'll explain closer to reveal date ) I have been in an absolute funk and everything I see reminds me of where I have been and what I was doing. The great thing about this however is that it has really opened my eyes to the emerging pastel palette that is making a come back this spring and summer.

How is it making a come back might you ask? Well, I keep seeing it teamed with lots of metals including the very popular copper. So if you have been seeing these tones around in your favourite homewares shops lately then you are not imagining it. It also makes sense when I was talking about my aqua colour palette merely two weeks ago.

The colours are fresh as well as warm and playful when teamed with copper.

I do have to say you will see some images of my favourite place Santorini as I am still in post holiday funk.

Take a look through my Pinterest for more inspiration, including the images I am sharing today.
These images demonstrate exactly the new season colour trends that are ever emerging and expanding so make sure to keep your eye out.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


I have not spoken much about art on the blog but I have been eyeing off the amazing work of David Bromley for sometime now and thought it was time to share.

David Bromley is an Australian and British artist and is known for a mixture of different genres, but my favourite has to be the series of female portraits. What I love about them most is their intriguing nature and colour combinations. Their simplicity and minimalistic detail in the line work is also to be admired, as the art itself does not at all feel simplistic but gives you a very deep understanding of the persons body and shape. The femininity of the artworks are not over the top and are a perfect piece to create a huge impact in a room, which is what you always want art to do. It allows you to incorporate colour in a very simple way which is what good art should also do for your space. The curated tones of colour are also what give the artworks more depth, which has to be my favourite element.

I first discovered Bromley when working on a clients apartment and was taken a back by the scale and colour of the portrait. It was intimate and the perfect piece for you to be intrigued into how the space opens up into the master bedroom. It has recently been showcased on this season of The Block as the centre piece of a dining room. I have to say I personally really love abstract art however these portraits have caught my eye as unique and striking. I really want to find out more about the girl in all these nude portraits and I will get investigating. What do you think about his artwork? Do you like it?  Let me know by commenting below.

Photograph by Jacqui Turk

All images except the last one can be found on my Pinterest. Follow me and be inspired by clicking here. 

Thursday, 18 September 2014


One of the main things I love about being in business for myself is all the amazing like minded people that I meet and can say are my friends. Building a community of people that you can trust and understand what it is like to be in business is essential. There is no BS when it comes to these kind of friendships and no sense of competition because we are all out there to help each other shine as we all want to live our own dream. Which for me is amazing because there is nothing more that I think is detrimental to business growth and that is not sharing and not opening yourself up to new friendships and networks that can help you in more ways then one.  

Today I want to introduce you to my good friend Jenna, who is on an amazing journey to share her message of wellness and love with her tribe. Jenna has such a wealth of knowledge and not because she is studying and constantly learning about business, health, wellness and couching but because she has been through her own transformational journey that has lead her to this point. A point where she has turned her own health and body around. See Jenna was diagnosed with inherited bleeding disorder at the age of 16 which took her on a journey of many personal up and downs but brought her to a point where she took control of her health and turned it all around.

Jenna believes in making your health your own and so do I. You may be asking, why do we believe it is our own and not for someone else to dictate? Well it is simple, your body belongs to you and you have a duty of care to yourself to do the up most to nurture it to its highest potential. Some may feel that it is really difficult and it is, starting to take control of your health and your lifestyle is so difficult, it brings up lots of fear and resistance but once we take those first few baby steps, the change and what comes with it is worth it.

This is why Jenna has put together a Getting Started Workbook ( ebook ) explaining the key steps that she knows works on making your healthy journey a successful one and one that suits you.

I am sharing this with you all today because not only do I believe in Jenna and her new workbook, plus and super proud of her but because we all need to have a starting point and this is the perfect place. The beginning of this healthy journey that you will take will lead you elsewhere, into creating a healthy home too which is what I am all about!

So how do you get a hold of your free copy? Well, it is easy, head on over to her website by clicking here and sign right up! It is that EASY! She will send you your workbook and you can get started!

Insight without action is worthless so I urge you to take the first initial baby step and turn your health around. 

Image sourced directly from her website, My Missing Factor. 

Monday, 15 September 2014


One of my favourite colours over the last couple of months is aqua and all the tones that surround this colour. It is fresh, vibrant as well as warming and pretty much the one colour I have been seeing a lot on this trip so far.

Today I wanted to share with you an inspirational palette from our trip, a colour that surround these beautiful islands. This colour can be interpreted in so many different ways and applied to many different applications in the home to create a range of styles, from beach, Hamptons, french provincial, classical to rustic and contemporary. 

You can find all these images on Pinterest and you can follow me by clicking here. 

Friday, 12 September 2014


Have you heard or discovered the latest amazing set of homewares yet? You all know how much I love concrete so it is really no surprise when I say how much I love the designs by this dynmaic duo, Crystal and Mitch, better known as The Design Twins.

Last month Crystal took the time to chat to us about all things design and business, what inspires them and what they believe is the key to success. I want to take this opportunity to thank The Design Twins for taking part in this feature to share with all my amazing readers, I have not been able to publish this until I got back on Australian land so now that I am back, it is the first feature of many more to come.

I know music has been a huge part of your life, how do you think it has helped you channel your creativity into what you are doing at the moment? 

Music gave me the strength and persistence to pursue what we are doing now with Design Twins. Our products are definitely influenced by music and fashion, allowing us to create unique and bold pieces. 

You create some really unique and interesting pieces. What is your creative process? 

With our designs, we always think of the craziest idea possible, to the point of where it can't be made and then bring it right back to a products that is practical, logical and beautiful. For instance, with our concrete pillows, we thought of large outdoor pillows. These would be heavy and not practical, so we created mini pillows for candles, keys and jewellery! 

We have noticed you use concrete, what gave you the idea to use it? And is there another material both you and “Twinnie” would love to introduce? 

We started off with a bag of concrete in our kitchen sink and the craziness went from there! We realised it could be shaped into ANYTHING and we wanted to take it from being a DIY project to the next level of crazy homewares. We would LOVE to introduce copper or steel into the designs somehow. We love all things marble, copper, leather, glass and recycled timber!!

What would be the best three words to describe what The Design Twins is all about? 


What do The Design Twins believe is the key ingredient in working to make your dreams come true? 

Love what your doing and keep persisting even when everything seems impossible. There have been so many times when we wanted to give up, but we just knew that if pushed through, something unique was going to be created.

What would you consider would be the most important step you took in making the business happen?

Moving out of our kitchen sink, to a workshop, where we could experiment with designs in a bigger and better scale.

What do you believe is the best part about having your own business and what would be your piece of advice for those wanting to follow their passions? 

We get to work the hours we choose, although lately its been from 10am until 1am most days, we hope to reduce that to some type of normality soon. We get to do fun things like snorkel on our lunch breaks, as we live on a reef! If you have a dream, don't give up on it! Stay curious. Stay creative. Stay hungry!

You can find The Design Twins website and products by clicking here. 

All images have been sourced from The Design Twins website and Instagram page. 

Friday, 8 August 2014


One of my favourite go to suppliers for all things cool is Sparkk. They know me well and are always willing to help me out on any project that I am working on. I love it not only because they are sustainable in their practice but it is all made with love right here in Sydney and on demand. 

Do not get me wrong, I love having creative freedom sometimes because honestly, I do A LOT of thinking and at times, I just want the patterns and materials to be all ready to go for me and all I have to just say, "that's it" and off we go. I love Sparkk because they have that creative balance down pat, I have some creative freedom with colours and have heaps of patterns to pick from and if I really want to be wild with the design, they can customise it for me. 

I am so excited because for a couple of months now they have opened their own online store, so that their amazing patterns and designs are available and accessible to everyone. 

If you are off looking for something unique for your home or that perfect cushion, this is the place you will be find it. 

Visit the store by clicking here. 

All images are sourced directly from the Sparkk Store. 

Monday, 4 August 2014


I wont be able to do The Block in review this time round because I wont be here to watch all the shows...( insert crying face ) I KNOW! ....Luckily I have Foxtel IQ which saves the day.

But I will be able to share my Block Favourite and who I thought did an awesome job.

What are your thoughts on The Block Glasshouse? Do you like the new teams?!

My favourite this week is featured below, I thought their finishes and scheme was the best and for all things colour and style... PLEASE change your window frames to black not white... it looks washed out.

Let us know what your thought are by clicking on the pencil below and commenting. We love to hear from you!

Image sourced from The Block Glasshouse


Something that we are becoming increasingly more passionate about is how we love the spaces we inhabit and the impact that they have on us, not just in the way we experience them but in how they effect our health and wellbeing.

You may never have thought about it, but your space internally as well as your body that interacts with external interior environments ( when I speak internally I am talking about your body ) has a direct impact on how you feel, experience and health. That is why it is said that a change is as good as a holiday, think of that saying in terms of your space. A change in environment, or renovation, materials, orientation can be as good as a holiday.

Let us delve a little deeper as when I get back from my holiday this will begin to be one of the main focuses of our business, to create environments that are good for you. This starts with materials that we pick as well as being mindful of how furniture is produced and what is it is made out of. All these things can be directly impacting your health. Overall in the long run we are also impacting our environment with disposable furniture and goods that are not recyclable and adding to the accumulating waste. That is why it is so important that we begin to become mindful of everything that impacts the life that we are building and creating for ourselves, which includes your home, where you work.

Some of us may not have much control over these things and this may not apply to everyone's lifestyle, which is completely fine. However, I would love to share more knowledge and how you can go about being mindful of your health when designing and building your spaces.

The Thoughtful Space  series is something that I will be blogging about continuously to bring you updates and explanations on how to help you achieve just that... a thoughtful space.

Now here is a mission for you; do you know what products, chemicals and materials were used to make all the furniture that is in your home? Is it just "temporary" furniture that you are going to be throwing out in another 5 years because you did not feel like it was right to invest? Have you thought about how you can recycle what you have? Do you know intuitively how your space is not working for you personally and health wise?

If you could not really answer any of those questions, then you need to become a regular reader of my series, which will be continuing when we get back from our European adventure on the 15th of September.

This series is in no way, a way to disrespect furniture manufacturing that is economical and accessible to everyone as that is very important and that we do not love trends, seasonal styling and budget friendly furniture. This thought process may not apply to everyone but it is one we are passionate about growing and developing. This is about mindfulness and becoming inspired to develop environments wether they be work or home user friendly and healthy. 

Friday, 1 August 2014


Image sourced from Hard Goods

Have you been noticing it everywhere too? Well, if you have not, start paying attention because concrete is a material which is used almost everywhere, foot paths, buildings, roads, homes .... did I mention it is everywhere? Well, now concrete is becoming the latest and hottest trend right now in furniture and decoration. I know what you are thinking... really? Yes, really it is and trust me, it works so well and can really look fantastic.

I think it is very interesting how this new trend is being approach and it is quite refreshing to see how many can adapt the use of a material that is primarily used in major construction, break it down and turn it into something really stylish that can be used around the home. It is literally popping up in everything, pendant lights, pot plants and even furniture.

Those who have been following my posts for a while now will know how much I love mixing textures and how that is such a great way to create a layered interior, so it really wont be coming as shock when you hear me say that, concrete in your home, kitchen bench tops and bathrooms is seriously awesome.

Some may think that it is cold and would make a space quite harsh, but like anything treated in the right way, textured and layered with other materials such as timber, copper, gold, brass, warm lighting and other stones it will be anything but. One of the other great techniques we are seeing coming through with the concrete is the rendering inside the home. Usually render is used for outside of the house but more and more it is becoming a much more popular application inside to really create a high end industrial, loft feel.

Here are just a few photos to inspire and demonstrate how concrete is really the hot trend right now!! Let's hope it does not become a fad!

Sourced from My Pinterest 

Image sourced from Wallpaper Decor

Image sourced from Slabhomewares

Image sourced from Pinterest 

Monday, 28 July 2014


This blog post is dedicated to a true supportive friend, who was an inspiration to everyone she met. She is the brightest star in the universe. 

I spontaneously had to step away from blogging and work for the last part of July as I had a lot of things on my mind, which to be honest were taking up a lot more space in my head then anything to do with work. I honestly have been struggling to bring myself back to focusing on work a lot and if I was to tell you the amount of times I have actually sat in front of a full blog schedule but with no words, no desire or inspiration to write about anything that is happening you would be very surprised. It is not because I have lost passion for it or because I cannot be bothered. It is because this July has been full of life lessons that are far more important than any other kind of news and so more deeper than words can actually describe.

After hearing some pretty devastating and horrible news a few weeks back, I had a reel running through my head of last conversations, facial expressions, laughter, hugs and could not bring myself to think what I was hearing and then read through my phone was actually true. It was one of those flash things that you often hear people describe when they hear bad news or something horrible happens... where you think, really "your life flashes before your eyes?" Well, turns out, there is real meaning behind that saying, which has the most profound effect in brining you straight back into the present moment in an instant. After a few hours past, I could not sleep and got this really funny feeling where everything just seemed so surreal, because when someone passes who is in your circle, whatever part of the circle it may be and is on your wave length it has a profound and impacting effect, that I believe will never change.

I got to thinking about inspiration because even though her friendship was special to me, as all my friendships are, it became more apparent then ever. Over the last two years I have learnt so much more about what authentic and true friendship means. I am a relatively open and very giving person, who is transparent and I do not like bullshit so have learnt the art of quality controlling my friendships especially who I opened up to. She was a friend who I opened up to as did she, which I will always cherish as she was truly a pure example at living life to the fullest of your capabilities. I always knew this and I always appreciated her support so much, even her unwavering faith in me and my business, which to me meant so much. I know it was true as we shared the no bullshit policy, no pitty, no crap, just raw truth. It becomes so interesting how those moments are so much more precious once they are the only ones you have left because she no longer with us.

It is for these reasons and many more that she is truly without a doubt an inspiration and why everyone she encountered in her journey has called her inspirational. I know without a doubt, her humble and modest personality would not believe that I am writing this right now, as she would always say, "come on Jeanette " when I did tell her in person... but it is undoubtedly true. She showed many of us so much strength of character and what life is truly about... also to really NOT sweat the small stuff, life is just way too short.

Loss is a funny thing, and not in normal sense of the word, it is something that grounds you profoundly and quickly. It shakes up the little world around you just like when you turn a snow globe upside down. It allows the flakes to fall into completely different positions and configurations which ultimately change your outlook, perspective and path. It is for this reason that I have been saying that the world will never be the same again, for hundreds of us that were beyond privileged to have shared moments with her.

It also shows up very quickly who are the people you can count on for support and the unwavering strength that can come from those who truly love and want to be there for the ones closest to her, who are hurting so much more than anyone can imagine.

It is for this reason that I will never give up and carry that unwavering faith she had in me forever.

It is so important to love your life, not just on the outside but on the inside, build something that is true for you and do not waste time in going around and being unkind to others. There is no room for it, there is no room for fear, there is only room for love and appreciation.

Do not wait until tomorrow to do what it is you wanted to do today. Time is a very precious thing that too many of us take for granted.

In support and in memory of a special person her family have put together a page for her, as an everyday hero, which you can check out here.

Or help me make a difference by donating here, every cent matters!  

Friday, 11 July 2014


I came across a post on Facebook the other day about how a film studio in Toronto has been turned into a loft style home that is now worth over $5 Million Dollars! When I saw the post I could not believe what I was reading about the convert and it got me thinking about how spaces are all about change.

What do I mean? Well, one of the amazing things I love about Interiors is the ability to take any space ... ok let's be realistic, it has to be within reason, but really any space and convert it into something completely different and unimaginable. I often see it as brining a composition for a really good artwork to life by giving it dimension and depth that we can relate to and inhabit. So today I wanted to share with you this Toronto home, not because I love the furnishings, because I am going to be honest, I don't really love it, but I do love the concept of the space, the grand nature of the ceilings, the textures, the layers and the bathroom.... not to red one, the concrete one. I like how the space flows and how you can be standing in the living room and you get a really lovely view of the bedroom space. This is what Interior Design to me is all about, the experience of moving through the spaces in a really clever and artistic way. Relationship between zones and different uses of space are imperative when designing, which I really think the artist who now lives here and the architect have done a great job.

It is so interesting how spaces can have multiple lives and multiple facades just by stripping it of certain elements and then all of a sudden what the space was once associated with no longer exists. It is a great way to gain a clean slate, don't you think?

You can check out the full feature and details on the property here, but below are some of the pictures I love, sourced directly from the article.

Have a great weekend!!


Wednesday, 9 July 2014


To say I am excited about my upcoming trip is an understatement. So much to do and see, I do not even know where to start. I thought I would share with you all today, what is inspiring me about going on this trip and how I am going to use it as a breath of fresh air. It will be assisting me to inject some new exciting things into the business. We are really going to be going with the flow the whole time, I am not over planning or locking things in because we really want to immerse ourselves in the cultures that we are going to experience as well as see as many authentically beautiful things as possible. I am going to be looking for great little local furniture stores, suppliers and really immerse myself into the architecture of these ancient places. I cannot think of a better way to be inspired spatially, then staying in old ruins and exploring monuments that I have studied and admired. 

Here is the start of my Travel Diary series, where I will be eventually sharing my own travel interior guides to all the places we are visiting, but first, we are to start from the beginning. What are some of the essentials a Designer takes on holiday with them... well, I am a bit of a wellness freak so of course, I wont be leaving without my own little snacks and herbal tea bags BUT most importantly, a camera, a visual diary, pencil, good tunes and pre organised meetings with suppliers that I have made contact with over the years.  You can find all the images below to where I am heading on my Pinterest. 

In no particular order, here is where I am visiting: 

Trieste, Italy

Santorini, Greece 

So much inspiration to be recorded  
Milano, Italy 

Taking our time 

The Interior Designer

Verona, Italy 

Rhodes, Kos and Kalynmos, Greece 

Lake Como, Italy 

Venice, Italy 

London Town, UK 

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