Friday, 11 July 2014


I came across a post on Facebook the other day about how a film studio in Toronto has been turned into a loft style home that is now worth over $5 Million Dollars! When I saw the post I could not believe what I was reading about the convert and it got me thinking about how spaces are all about change.

What do I mean? Well, one of the amazing things I love about Interiors is the ability to take any space ... ok let's be realistic, it has to be within reason, but really any space and convert it into something completely different and unimaginable. I often see it as brining a composition for a really good artwork to life by giving it dimension and depth that we can relate to and inhabit. So today I wanted to share with you this Toronto home, not because I love the furnishings, because I am going to be honest, I don't really love it, but I do love the concept of the space, the grand nature of the ceilings, the textures, the layers and the bathroom.... not to red one, the concrete one. I like how the space flows and how you can be standing in the living room and you get a really lovely view of the bedroom space. This is what Interior Design to me is all about, the experience of moving through the spaces in a really clever and artistic way. Relationship between zones and different uses of space are imperative when designing, which I really think the artist who now lives here and the architect have done a great job.

It is so interesting how spaces can have multiple lives and multiple facades just by stripping it of certain elements and then all of a sudden what the space was once associated with no longer exists. It is a great way to gain a clean slate, don't you think?

You can check out the full feature and details on the property here, but below are some of the pictures I love, sourced directly from the article.

Have a great weekend!!


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