Thursday 18 September 2014


One of the main things I love about being in business for myself is all the amazing like minded people that I meet and can say are my friends. Building a community of people that you can trust and understand what it is like to be in business is essential. There is no BS when it comes to these kind of friendships and no sense of competition because we are all out there to help each other shine as we all want to live our own dream. Which for me is amazing because there is nothing more that I think is detrimental to business growth and that is not sharing and not opening yourself up to new friendships and networks that can help you in more ways then one.  

Today I want to introduce you to my good friend Jenna, who is on an amazing journey to share her message of wellness and love with her tribe. Jenna has such a wealth of knowledge and not because she is studying and constantly learning about business, health, wellness and couching but because she has been through her own transformational journey that has lead her to this point. A point where she has turned her own health and body around. See Jenna was diagnosed with inherited bleeding disorder at the age of 16 which took her on a journey of many personal up and downs but brought her to a point where she took control of her health and turned it all around.

Jenna believes in making your health your own and so do I. You may be asking, why do we believe it is our own and not for someone else to dictate? Well it is simple, your body belongs to you and you have a duty of care to yourself to do the up most to nurture it to its highest potential. Some may feel that it is really difficult and it is, starting to take control of your health and your lifestyle is so difficult, it brings up lots of fear and resistance but once we take those first few baby steps, the change and what comes with it is worth it.

This is why Jenna has put together a Getting Started Workbook ( ebook ) explaining the key steps that she knows works on making your healthy journey a successful one and one that suits you.

I am sharing this with you all today because not only do I believe in Jenna and her new workbook, plus and super proud of her but because we all need to have a starting point and this is the perfect place. The beginning of this healthy journey that you will take will lead you elsewhere, into creating a healthy home too which is what I am all about!

So how do you get a hold of your free copy? Well, it is easy, head on over to her website by clicking here and sign right up! It is that EASY! She will send you your workbook and you can get started!

Insight without action is worthless so I urge you to take the first initial baby step and turn your health around. 

Image sourced directly from her website, My Missing Factor. 

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